Off-Topic Area > Anti-Spam Board

Registration is currently set for admin approval


Reason: consistant heavy spam attack!

Since I will pull the plug January 25th anyway, then what's the point of giving access to new members anyway...!?

Phoenix 1957:
well as I said its a shame but there you go just look at the board covered in spam again  thbsdwn

Roughly 3000 spammer profiles deleted. I may have deleted a few legitimate profiles, but if you register and don't write a proper introduction post right away, then you've a suspicious behaviour and there you go: off you go!  o050

Now that most of the spammer profiles are gone, I could open up for new members again, I suppose, but then again: what's the point?  scrtg
Currently, I have set it for admin approval. And only mayby, I'll allow new members for the remaining time.

You who are allready member: Enjoy the remaining time of SHMF, while it lasts...  oldie1


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