Author Topic: [REL] JCWolf Mods Collection  (Read 31292 times)

Offline Phoenix 1957

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[REL] JCWolf Mods Collection
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:54:32 PM »
U-Boat III Alpha Version

Only For GWX 3 Gold

Hi there to all!

Alpha Version Information:

I am trying to make both GWX and SHIII stock
Versions to be available at the same time,
How ever It is possible that the only version
that will be released it is the GWX 3 version
since it is the most complex one in terms of
File editing.
In this GWX 3 Alpha version It is for use
with GWX IO (Integrated Orders) that will have
to be installed before installing this Mod taking in
consideration that the latest FM interiors Change
some GWX IO files you should install first
GWX Integrated Orders ( That comes as optional
Mod with GWX 3) and then FM Interiors Mod and at
last the U-Boat Alpha Mod.

Development Thread !

*Alpha Version Install instructions*

Read this carefully cause it will avoid possible problems
and errors if you do it differently.

This Mod is JSGME Compatible

This the way I have my Mods instaled By order from
the first instaled to the last:

GWX - Axis Mediterranean Aircraft Skins
GWX - Enhanced Damage Effects
GWX - Integrated Orders
GWX - VIIC41 Player Sub
GWX - Alternative Flotillas
Waterstream+Exhaust Combi V2.3 for GWX3
OLC 'Gold' MkII ~ Environment
VIIC41 Skin
GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V5
Rapt0r's Instruments V3.5

What ever you install You have to Install
GWX - Integrated Orders
in order to this Alpha work properly
So this means That you install integrated orders
and on top the FM interiors and any FM Fix Mod after
cause the FM interior mods uses Integrated orders files
then on top and last The U-Boat III Alpha...

So my instalation would look like this after instaling the Alpha:

GWX - Axis Mediterranean Aircraft Skins
GWX - Enhanced Damage Effects
GWX - Integrated Orders
GWX - VIIC41 Player Sub
GWX - Alternative Flotillas
Waterstream+Exhaust Combi V2.3 for GWX3
OLC 'Gold' MkII ~ Environment
VIIC41 Skin
GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V5
Rapt0r's Instruments V3.5
U-Boat III Alpha Version

Make sure you install integrated orders and mi mod at last!

Make sure that after install GWX-integrated orders
and if you use any FM Interior Mod to install them
by their respective order that would be FM interiors and after
any FM fix Optional Mods that you want to use.

Make sure that you install the U-Boat III Alpha at last.

Alpha version
Error reporting And Support

You have to register at mi forum to see this thread!

Note that this links Thread is Closed
until the Alpha is released

Changes can be made To the Alpha release and
Possible released version!

Download Alpha version
in the Link bellow Dated 11/01/2011


Note This is far from being the final Mod
and as you will see most screens are still
from the previous U-Boat II , thought there
are already new stuff that you immediately
will notice...

Please I ask you to report at my forum,
I opened a special thread for the
Alpha maintenance and help...


All proper credits will be described and given in the PDF final Mod

« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 12:56:44 PM by SeaWolf U-57 »

Offline Phoenix 1957

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Re: New thread under construction
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 04:37:24 PM »
U-Boat II Version 1.2 For SHIII 1.4b

Optimal game play setings

For better game play immersion and ambience you should set your
game play speach in German with texts in English to really enjoy the
U-boat german speash sounds and other sounds like repeated orders
Morse radio message etc...


To avoid any problems Install the Mod when in port
and not in Mid patrol!

H-Resolution FIX

For those who have that Problem with the Old visible
console with high Res Mod.

I have made this mod with my normal Plus the GW Mod
installed 1024x768 resolution, so i cannot tell you how
it works on high Res Mod.
Maybe it is not compatible with the HighRes Mod.....

Try this:

FIX For H-Resolution

Find this Block:

[G3F I34]
Name=Group feedback
Type=1026;Menu group

and change the Pos line and VertSlide line into this:


Normal FIX

Replace [G3F I34] with:

[G3F I34]
Name=Group feedback; FLB Sale`s 6 Anzeigen
Type=1026;Menu group



« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 09:49:01 PM by SeaWolf U-57 »

Offline Phoenix 1957

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Re: New thread under construction
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 08:36:14 AM »
New Concept Start Menu V0.1

The images in the window are not the real look, as there it will run
the Harbours day and night version Videos!!!

Other Notes

New concept gives you the Inside Office harbour view
in 2 versions , one day harbour and one night harbour ,
it add the live motion video in the office window
of the harbour outside, with changed music to office
and real harbour sounds...

Attention on compatible versions

This mod is absolutely compatible with any SHIII version
or Mod...


This mod comes JSGME Compatible, so just drag the subfolder
version ( Day or Night) to the SHIII directory on your C:/Programs
into the Mods folder and enable it using the generic mod enabler...


Dowly have made a superb job on the sound and video editing
giving the video and sound tracks just the magic touch we needed
for this Mod, thanks mate for the hours spend on this project...
My part wasn't easy also, the graphic creation took me about 2 full,
and I mean full days of hard work to get the look you can check for


- Graphic concept and Video creation By JCWolf...
- Video and sound development and creation by Dowly....

In Game screenshot


« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 09:45:57 AM by SeaWolf U-57 »

Offline Phoenix 1957

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Re: New thread under construction
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2011, 09:34:40 AM »
There Are 3 new graphic improvements to the leer used in GWX

Hello my friends... 

Just about yesterday I saw a leer version that Sailor Steve
Posted on Subsim for download:

So I decided to change the version for myself and then share it
with you guys...

Made this changes on the original leer by Manuel Ortega,
so decided to change it in some way,
added the wood table cause the original was in iron...

And this was the result

The GWND Pack 2 Leer Versions

Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

The Mod has been packed using 7z so it will need extracting
The mod has all three versions contained within it just enable the Version you want



Credits of the Original Leer go to Manuel Ortega
I just added the wooden table, and some additions in colour and shadows, and another graphic small details!
Hope you like it!

« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 09:46:56 AM by SeaWolf U-57 »

Offline Phoenix 1957

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Re: New thread under construction
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2011, 10:48:58 AM »
3D_Off_Icons Eng/GerV0.3

I've been working on this Officer Icon set since the release of
GWX, and finally managed to add a 3D look.
Basically it's a remake of the all graphic with just the Station initials.
I've made two versions Of it one English version and one German version


English Version

German Version



Would also like to add the older version Officer Icons set.
This version has a more recognizable look of the standard set of icons


« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 11:00:16 AM by SeaWolf U-57 »

Offline Phoenix 1957

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Re: New thread under construction
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2011, 11:52:43 AM »
In this section we have a collection of JCWolf's Screen mods

Radio Message Screen


Load Career Screen

Stock game Version

GXW Version

Please read the Documentation contained in the mod versions

Captains Log Versions 1,2,3

Version 1


Version 2


Version 3


Thanks to everyone who visits this Thread
And please dont forget to read the Documentation within the Mods

« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 12:20:51 PM by SeaWolf U-57 »