VIIC conning tower High Res Mod 4096
UPDATE: This version will work with the Type VII C boats, download link below
New Additional Items updated .. 03/21/10-Now includes moldy food-when you activate the mid or late patrol modules, your food will get nice and moldy, yummy!
Due to the enormous size of the full mod (768mb) I have decided to upload only the NSS_Uboat7c_coning.tga for each of the 3 patrol stages. This mod is compatible with any skin you are presently using and only the NSS_Uboat7c_coning.tga will be replace. There wont be the weathering on the tread plates, UZO, and Flak gun anymore, unfortunately
This mod will replace your conning tower textures with very hi resolution textures (4096 pixels). I figure we spend a lot of time on the deck, might as well put some work into it. This mod consists of 3 modules which you can enable depending on how long you've been at sea .
Just leaving port in your squeaky clean boat (activate Early module):
A week at sea and your crew has better things to do than swap the deck (activate (Mid module)
Your still alive and its been 2 months at sea? If your boat looks like this just imagine how your crew looks (and smells) (activate late module)
Download link for New Version v3 (includes moldy food):
Download link for the standard version
Disclaimer: This Mod is very high res and can cause your FPS to drop. SHMF cannot help with any problem using this Mod
please contact the Author on any matters . Thanks