Author Topic: [REL] Fall of the rising sun v1.2 for SH4 v1.5  (Read 22503 times)

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[REL] Fall of the rising sun v1.2 for SH4 v1.5
« on: November 26, 2009, 12:12:04 PM »

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Fall of the rising Sun v1.2 for SH4 v1.5:



Eine Produktion der deutschen Gruppe, Aces of the Deep

Originale Veröffentlichungsmeldung von der FOTRS Gruppe:
Hello Captains,

now its time to release AOTD´s "Fall of the rsisng Sun" for SH4 V1.5 UBM !
This version of FOTRS is an full english version, especially made for the english speakin community !

First of all we would like to mention that TMO (Trigger Maru Overhauled by Ducimus on Subsim) was the base and inspiration of this modpack. Special thanks to Ducimus and all other modders for their work ! In addition we would like to note, that “Fall of the rising sun” is just a modpack and not a mod for itself. That means, that “FOTRS” is a bundle of many already existing modifications and many other new modifications made by me and my clanmates. The copyright of each modification belongs to its developer.

"Fall of the rising Sun" is full JSGME-compatible and this Version is made for SH4 V1.5 ( UBM-Version )

Contents :

New Units :

1.) Ships


- BB-36 USS Nevada
- BB-43 USS Tennessee (41-42 )
- BB-43 USS Tennessee (42-46 )
- BB-48 USS West Virginia
- BB-60 USS Alabama
- BB-62 USS New Jersey
- BB-67 USS Montana

- Essex-Class Fleetcarrier

- Benham Class Destroyer

B.) Japanese

- IJN Nagato

- IJN Shinano

- Myoko Class Heavy Cruiser
- Auxcruiser ( New Modell )

- Kagero Class Destroyer

C.) German

- Bismarck
- Tirpitz
- fictive "Germania"

- "Deutschland" Class Cruiser ( New Model )
-  " Lützow"
- Blockadebrecher ( New Model )

- Typ36 Narvik
- Typ36K
- Typ36

D.) British

- HMS Ramillies
- HMS Resolution
- HMS Queen Elisabeth
- HMS Renown
- HMS Nelson

- HMS Illustrious

- A&B Class Destroyer
- C Class Destroyer

Many new Merchants are added to the scene so you got enough to shoot. 2thup

2.) Planes


- B17 Level Bomber
- B24 Level Bomber
- Catalina Searchplane
- Seversky/Republic P35
- Republic P47 Thunderbolt
- Republic P51 Mustang
- Vought F4U-4 Corsair
- Douglass SBD-3 Dauntless
- Lockheed P38 Lightning
- Douglass F6 Hellcat

B.) Japanese

- Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki
- Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate
- Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan Torpedobomber
- Yokosuka D4Y3 Suisei Divebomber
- H8K2 with Deepthcharges
- H6K2 with Deepthcharges
- G4M Betty as an Torpedobomber

C.) German

- F. Wulf FW190-A5
- Junkers Ju 52

D.) British

- De Havilland Mosquito TseTse
- Hawker Hurricane MK1
- Swordfish Torpedobomber

3.) Gameplay/AI-Settings

New flight-management is added to the fighter.
If you took the loadout "fighter" this plane will attack all ships and subs in an low level-flight with the guns.
For testing this out you can play an singlemission called "Airtest deepflight Ki44/G4M" and "Airtest deepflight Ki84/G4M"
There you see how strong planes are ! ;D

Some US-Fighters got Rocketracks.
If you wanne see what happens when they attack ships, take a look to this single-mission "Rockettest 1" and "Rockettest 2". They kick asses............... rockon
After watching this you should be happy to drive a boat on the US-side relaxxx

The Japanese Torpedobombers got new Torpedoes, They are better and stronger as the US ones.
Be carefull with them cause the G4M Betty as an Torpedobomber will shoot you to hell.
You better prepare to dive !
Regular the AI-Setting is harder as the stock-version.

4.) Campaign and Terrain

The campaign is based on TMO but heavily reworked.
Midway is now an Submarinebase where you can start your carreer.
All New Units are implemented to the campaign-files
Some Atlantic-Missions are implemented to the US-Campaign.
In case of this you can cross the Panama-canal to reach the Atlantic and your Patrol-Area and new Naval-Bases in the Atlantic.

5.) Environment

FOTRS uses a reworked Environment5.0 from W-Clear.

Installing :

After downloading the mod you can enable/disable it with JSGME !
In the Support-Folder you can find an 16/9 Tool for big resolutions like 1680x1050 which should be activated if you use an widescreen monitor.

Now its up to you ........ enjoy it.
We from AOTD hope that you like this mod !

Updated on 15.02.2009 :

Bugfix001 released !

This Bugfix will fix the texture-problems of the mainguns on some US-Battleships.

Installation :

The Bugfix is an selfinstallation-programm.

1.) deactivate FOTRS with JSGME
2.) run the Bugfix001.exe
3.) Chose your destination-folder where the Bugfix have to be installed.
Important : The destination must be the FalloftherisingSun_V1.2_SH4V1.5-Folder in your Mod-Folder of your SH4 installation :
For example : c:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 4 Wolfes of the Pacific\MODS\FalloftherisingSun_V1.2_SH4V1.5
4.) activate FOTRS with JSGME and enjoy the changes.


Update 05.04.2009

Carrier Upgrade V2.0 released !

This Upgrade will add you following units to your FOTRS-Mod

- CV-3 USS Saratoga Fleet Carrier
- CV-6 USS Enterprise Fleet Carrier
- CV-9 USS Essex Fleet Carrier
- IJN Soryo Fleet Carrier

Installation :

The Upgrade is an selfinstallation-programm.

1.) deactivate FOTRS with JSGME
2.) run the Carrier_UpgradeV2.0.exe
3.) Chose your destination-folder where the Upgrade have to be installed.
Important : The destination must be the FalloftherisingSun_V1.2_SH4V1.5-Folder in your Mod-Folder of your SH4 installation :
For example : c:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 4 Wolfes of the Pacific\MODS\FalloftherisingSun_V1.2_SH4V1.5
4.) activate FOTRS with JSGME and enjoy the changes.



For the latest info from FOTRS Team, read the FOTRS thread at subsim by clicking this banner:
Für die neuesten Informationen von der FOTRS Gruppe, lesen Sie das englische FOTRS Post im Subsim Forum beim Drücken auf diesem Banner:

Für die neuesten Informationen von der FOTRS Gruppe, lesen Sie das deutsche FOTRS Post im AOTD Forum beim Drücken auf diesem Banner:

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Offline Admiral Von Gerlach

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Re: [REL] Fall of the rising sun v1.2 for SH4 v1.5
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 04:46:23 AM »
This is truly one of the most amazing mods for SH and indeed for any of the naval sims that I study, wonderful additions and such excellence of quality, BuShips would themselves be proud, so much was done here that should have been done in the original release that this is truly SH IV 1.6, or 3.0...thank you to all of the team, i have waited to try this due to life and work ashore but have promised myself to enjoy this this winter.

One quick question, are the Kriegsmarine flags and deck details historically accurate? i hope so but I thought i should ask. Several of my family were aboard some of these ships, four as U Boat Captains and one as a captain of a destroyer in the Baltic, and others I would hope to see things as much as they truly were.