Author Topic: [REL] Pacific Environments 4  (Read 30705 times)

Offline Carotio

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[REL] Pacific Environments 4
« on: June 03, 2009, 07:39:51 PM »

As optional download.
PE4 Final

ROW sound mod vers. 9

quoting Kriller2 from subsim:
Pacific Environments 4

11.09.2008 PE4
– New sun sets and sun rises, with a more realistic cycle from yellow to orange / red.
– New realistic bow wave, thanks to Demonizer for using his mod as a base for my work.
– New modified pitch and roll to make the submarine/u-boat sail deeper, but still have roll
and pitch.
– New sea foam from Wclears EE mod, modified to match the blue sea-colour of PE4.
– New scene and clouds for more realistic waves and environment colours.
– Missing underwater bubbles and roll pitch for S-18, S-42 and U-boat added for TM and
stock SH4.
– New water shader by Nisgeis to support shallow transparent water including changes so
you now can see the sub submerged from a high altitude.
– Modified the shaders for postprocess filtering to stop the from being oversaturated during
sunsets with PPF.
– All japanese warships retextured.

Read the included manual for instructions on how to install PE4.

The contents of this mod is freeware and may NOT be used without written permission from me, we have
used huge amounts of time on this mod! - this is the fourth edition so overall this mod has taken 1 year
to make.
Respect our work and don't use ANY part of this mod without contacting
I will personaly send your request further on to the modder responsible for the parts of ROW / PE4 you
would like to include in your mod.

I am in no way responsible for any accident happening to you or your computer / graphics card while
using this PE4. Using this mod is at your own risk so don't contact me if any of these things happen.

Credits for Pacific Environments 1-4 and (ROW)
Kriller2 – new bow wave, environmental colours, sky and reflection textures, terrain textures,
underwater-textures, modified seafoam, modified fireeffects and explosions, all japanese warships
retextured, scene work for PE4.
Dave / LeoVampire - for the original work on datafiles to control sun set, sun rise and alot of brilliant
ideas, RIP
Demonizer – Original bow wave which I have used and worked on to make it more realistic for PE4.
Mav87th - Free moving Camera and new periscope.
L3th4l for his fire and smoke textures.
Dr.Beast - for his work on the special effects mods for NSM4 and stock SH4.
Nisgeis - for the new Special effects for fire, smoke and oil-leak and depthcharge / shell hits and the new
enhanced water shader to show shallow waters and transparent water.
Jaketoox - for his first work on the sun sets and sun rises, which me and Dave since have improved.
Carotio – for his work on the moon texture and help with the texture for peak of waves.
Kapitain_zur_see - lightning effects and underwater bubbles and caustics for subs
Torps,LukeFF - for Sound-mod not included, which you can download from here, includes realistic
submarine interor and engine effects, fire sounds etc.

ROW sound mod vers. 9 (please read the manual if you are using TM or OM)

Credits for help and parts of this mod:
"ROW recovery team" testers
Rcjonessnp175,Sqk7744,Donut,Letterboy 1,Snuffy,W_Clear,FooFighters,CaptainHaplo,Reallydedpoet and
and Monolith, Dr. Beast and others.
- Redwine: for torpedo explosions and underwater depth charge explosions
- Seeadler for his clouds shaders and sea foam, which I modified to match this mod.
- Wclear for his nice water spray effects and for his scene work, some of his ideas for reflections are used
in this mod. Thanks for your suggestion to use part of your mod.
- Kapitain_zur_see: For his work on the lightning DDS file's
- Rubini: for his debris mod which he let me include in PE4.
– Nauticalwolf for his work on the trees and helping me with the grass and sand textures.

Credits to testers of PE4:
AVGWarhawk, GlobalExplorer, reallydedpoet, Torps
DrBeast, Gunfighter, swdw, Torps
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 03:53:51 AM by Carotio »

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Offline almg

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Re: [REL] Pacific Environments 4
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 12:18:35 PM »
I'm going to try it: THANKS  thup1

Offline Gunther_Hessler_BR

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Re: [REL] Pacific Environments 4
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 06:20:25 PM »
 copsm hi commanders! nice forum!
I wonder if this mod is the same result of that video (youtube)? was trying to increase my visually shIVgold!

newbielink: [nonactive]


Offline Carotio

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Re: [REL] Pacific Environments 4
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 06:39:06 PM »

This video looks like a video cam in front of the pc monitor. Did you make it yourself?
Otherwise FRAPS can record ingame, so you can focus on controlling the game itself.

This video mentions Environmental 5, which is another environmental mod, other than Pacific Environments 4, and these two mods eventually lead to Real Environment.
Env5 is not anywhere to be found anymore AFAIK, except that Ducimus built it in in TMO.

Taler dansk, speak English, spreche Deutsch, parle français, forstår svenska/norsk, comprendo español
Before you write me a pm, ask yourself, if it ain't better to write it in the forum. It usually is.

Offline Gunther_Hessler_BR

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Re: [REL] Pacific Environments 4
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2009, 06:54:32 PM »

This video looks like a video cam in front of the pc monitor. Did you make it yourself?
Otherwise FRAPS can record ingame, so you can focus on controlling the game itself.

This video mentions Environmental 5, which is another environmental mod, other than Pacific Environments 4, and these two mods eventually lead to Real Environment.
Env5 is not anywhere to be found anymore AFAIK, except that Ducimus built it in in TMO.

I appreciate the hospitality... Carotio